Welcome to my Family History Website!

This is a website for me to connect with relatives everywhere.  Through genealogy and DNA testing I have met cousins from all over the world. I wanted to create a website for me to publish, share, and get information for everyone in my family tree.

I encourage everyone, if they are comfortable, to take a DNA test. Testing is a great way to see your genetic makeup and relatives you never knew before. The more matches there are, the easier it is to build family trees.

This website is an ongoing work in progress.

As you can see above I created separate areas for all of my great grandparents and their respective families.


This is my grandmother Marilyn Ellenzweig Davis, she died in 2017. She is a big reason for why I got into family history, she seemed to be the historian of her family and I want to be the same. I would like to pass on information onto anyone who would like to know. 

I am currently a Junior in college at the University of Florida, living with my parents in South Florida. I am much younger than the average person into genealogy but I guess I am just getting a head start.  
