Morris Weiner was born on May 15, 1893. Not much is known besides his original last name was Wanowitzky, Vanwitzki, or something close to it. He immigrated around 1916. He married Ray Schneider in 1918. Based on his marriage certificate, his parent's names were Shlomo and Pesa Lavita (hard to read)

1918 Marriage Certificate, Ray and Morris

1920 US Census, New York, Vanwitzkis

In 1920, Morris lived with Ray, their daughter Leila, and some of her family.

Ray immigrated to this country with her mother, brothers, and sisters around 1909. They lived in Louisville, Kentucky around 1910.

1910 Census, Kentucky, Schneider's

Morris and Ray had two children Leila and Celia. Ray's mother and brother living with them.

1930 Census, New York, Weiners

1950 Census, New York, Weiners

Ray's mother lived to at least 90, not sure when she died, still searching. She is living with Ray and her family here in 1950.

Morris and Ray Winer, Beth Moses Cemetery, Farmingdale NY

While Morris lived here, he went by at least four different variations of his last name; Wanowitzky, Vanwitzki, Weiner, and Winer.

My great grandmother Leila Weiner married Joseph Gladstein around 1940. They had two children Marcia and Peter.

Marcia Joy Gladstein Steinberg is my grandmother.

Shlomo and Pesa Larvita** / Ida Schneider



Morris Weiner - Ray Schnieder

1892-1976   1900-1983


Joseph Gladstein - Leila Weiner

1918-1983  1919-2012


Edmund Steinberg - Marcia Joy Gladstein


Edward J. Davis - Cindy Steinberg


Joshua Davis  + Lindsay Davis

**There is a lot of information such as Census and more in depth family trees that I did not include, if you want anything just let me know, I would be happy to get it for you.**